WATCH: YouTuber Plays Poker Hand Blind And Gets Coolered

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WATCH: YouTuber Plays Poker Hand Blind And Gets CooleredA sneaky play without looking at his cards proved to be costly for poker YouTuber Mariano Grandoli on a recent livestream of Hustler Casino Live, resulting in an interesting six-figure pot.

With four players at the table and blinds at $100-$200 with a $200 big blind ante and $400 straddle, Grandoli raised to $1,200 with 4Club Suit 2Spade Suit on the button.

Charles Yu called from the big blind with AHeart Suit 3Heart Suit and Dylan Flashner folded from the straddle, putting the pot at $3,100. Yu had a 64% chance to win the pot at this point, according to the Card Player Poker Odds Calculator.

The flop came down JClub Suit 10Diamond Suit 2Heart Suit and that brought a check from Yu. Grandoli bet $800, and Yu made the call.

The turn was a major action card in the 4Heart Suit, giving Grandoli two pair, but also handing Yu a straight flush draw. With $64,500 behind, Grandoli bet $4,200 and Yu called, having him easily covered.

At this point, Grandoli still was a 70% favorite to win the hand. Yu needed any heart to make a flush, or any other five to make the straight, and that’s exactly what he got when the 5Diamond Suit hit the river.

Yu set the trap by checking, and Grandoli put out a bet of $16,000. Yu moved in, and Grandoli immediately looked pained as he considered his next move. It was then that he revealed that he hadn’t even looked at his cards until the river.

“You know what’s funny about this hand, Charles?” he said. “I didn’t look at my cards until you called the turn. So I looked on the river at what I had and I actually had something. But now I’m not so sure.”

Grandoli then tried to think through the hand and piece together what his opponent might have. It had already been a tough night for the Hustler Club Live regular, having lost another six-figure pot to Yu with a failed bluff attempt.

“My brain is just like applesauce,” he added. “I’ve just been playing so long today.”

After three minutes in the tank, during which he correctly called out AHeart Suit 3Heart Suit as a hand Yu could have, Grandoli finally made the call. Yu tabled the winner and raked a pot of $142,100.

Watch the complete hand below.

Grandoli is a poker pro and YouTuber who has appeared numerous times on Hustler Club Live and a few other live-streamed cash games.

The Los Angeles resident had more than $1.5 million in winnings in his stream appearances, according to, however he finished this particular session down $208,000.

Yu, an investor originally from China, was up about $650,000 before adding to it with his $191,000 winning session.





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