Rob Yong Folds Hand Early, Gives Up Six-Figure Poker Pot On Hustler Casino Live

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Rob Yong Folds Hand Early, Gives Up Six-Figure Poker Pot On Hustler Casino LiveHustler Casino Live recently hit the road, bringing the action to the new Onyx Club in North Cyprus. The action saw a key hand develop involving high roller British businessman Rob Yong battling the show’s owner and founder Ryan Feldman.

With blinds of $100-$200 with a $200 big blind ante, Yong entered the hand with $660,200 while Feldman had $80,800. The hand saw Yong raise to $1,000 with QClub Suit JHeart Suit with Sinan Unlu three-betting to $8,000. Feldman called with ADiamond Suit 9Diamond Suit and Yong also called, bringing the pot to $17,800.

At this point Unlu had a 57% chance to win the pot, according to the Card Player Poker Odds Calculator, with Feldman at 29% and Yong at 14%. The flop brought the QDiamond Suit 9Heart Suit 4Spade Suit, giving Feldman middle pair and Yong top pair.

Sinan was still in the driver’s seat and bet $20,000. Yong and Feldman both called. The turn then brought some real fireworks with the AHeart Suit giving Feldman two pair.

Sinan checked as did Yong, and Feldman moved all in for the last of his $52,500 after being down about $80,000 in the session. Sinan, faced with a call of more than $53,000, thought a long time before ultimately folding his kings. But Yong eventually made the call, moving the pot to $191,800.

“I’m dead,” Yong said before tossing his hand to the muck.

However, there were still two queens in the deck and landing one of them would give him the pot. Yong looked incredulous after being told he still could win the pot. Despite being encouraged to grab his cards back and play them, Yong stuck to his fold.

“Guys, I mucked my cards,” he said. “I wouldn’t accept the money, I’m out. I insist, I’m out. It’s poker.”

Ultimately, the QHeart Suit indeed fell on the river and would have handed Yong the six-figure pot. The chips instead went to Feldman, who expressed some regrets about accepting the pot.

“You shouldn’t feel bad at all,” Yong said as Feldman stacked the chips. “I can’t believe I thought (the hand) was dead. My mind is mush today.”

The scenario brought plenty of table talk even after the hand played out. Watch the complete hand below.

Yong had been up $300,000 in the session before letting go of the winning hand. He’s a regular in live-streamed cash games and is also the founder of Dusk Till Dawn poker room in the UK. has tracked his play on stream and had him down about $500,000 in those appearances.

Feldman has been a regular on his own stream as well as other shows like No Gamble No Future and Poker After Dark. Overall, HighrollPoker has him down a bit over $250,000.

*Photo by Hustler Casino Live





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