Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates Makes Sick Poker Read With 7-2

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Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates Makes Sick Poker Read With 7-2Hustler Casino Live showcased a truly sick call by Dan “Jungleman” Cates last week that featured a huge pot with some unlikely hands.

The game featured “super high stakes” with blinds of $200-$400 and the action folded around to Johan “Yoh Viral” Guilbert with AHeart Suit 3Diamond Suit in the cutoff, who raised to $4,400. Why the big raise? Guilbert was gunning for his third pot in a row, which would have triggered a $2,000 per player bonus.

The game also featured a bounty of $1,000 per player to anyone who won with 7-2, prompting Cates to reraise from the big blind to $15,000 holding 7Club Suit 2Diamond Suit.

Guilbert eventually decided on a call and was a 65% favorite going into the flop, according to the Card Player Poker Odds Calculator.

The flop came down KSpade Suit 7Spade Suit 3Heart Suit, giving Cates middle pair. He bet $10,000 and Guilbert called with bottom pair.

Cates now had an 80% chance at the pot, and the QSpade Suit on the turn improved him to 89%. Both players checked, however, and the 10Spade Suit fell on the river putting four to the flush on board.

Cates thought a while before checking. Guilbert took his time and eventually put out a bet of $49,700, bringing the pot to $100,400.

This prompted some out loud thinking from Cates, who was running through ranges trying to nail down what his opponent might have. He looked pained at times while weighing his options, but eventually made the right call.

He not only collected a $149,400 pot but also an extra $5,000 for the bounty.

While he may have won this hand, Cates is a bit stuck in live-streamed cash games. High Roll Poker, which tracks streamed cash game results, had Jungleman down more than $500,000 through the end of November in appearances on HCL as well as Bally Live Poker, Live at the Bike, and others.





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